EBI: Sound quality, details - clothing
Grade B 22/32
1) Why did you choose this particular recreation and how does it link to your main production?
I chose this recreating as Henry has just retired and this was his documentary where he was asked questions and also it is the most recent thing within football that has happened where a big name person has been interviewed.
2) What difficulties did you face in producing this recreation?
Finding the right location of where to film, once I did find a good location I was tight for space in the actual room meaning some shots did not come out how I would have liked them to come out.
3) What are the strengths of the production?
The acting of Viraj helped a lot, also the final piece was very much the same as the actual piece when it came down to dialogue, also the shots made were good.
4) What aspects would you look to improve?
More attention to detail where some shots could be more specific, also location wise could be better and finally the sound in some shots were better than in other shots this also may needed to be improved.
5) What lessons will you take from this process that will help you with your main production?
- Finding the right location
- Taking time over shots
- Sound quality
- More specific - clothing